Future Projects


Some of the potential projects we could become more involved in as a Police Foundation, with greater potential resources and funding would be:

Community Partnerships

  • Police Bike Rodeo
  • Police Cadet / Explorer Program
  • Police Volunteer Program
  • Public service events such Senior Picnic, CROYA Donut Cup/Donut Bowl, Lake Forest Police Baseball Clinic
  • Support of other community organizations that act in partnership with the Foundation

Police Service Enhancements Projects

  • Accident laser system
  • Officer safety and Force on Force training and equipment (shooting simulator equipment)
  • Night vision and thermal imaging equipment
  • Crime prevention enhancements (educating about scams, identify theft, personal and child safety)
  • Enhancement of Foundation website to include more Police Department information

Employee Development & Recognition

  • Specialized training for officers and executive level training for supervisors
  • Annual Police Awards and Recognition dinner for all Department employees
  • Social events to include promotions, retirements and significant events
  • Scholarship funding for full-time members of the Lake Forest Police Department
  • Police Officer recruitment, Department display and video
  • Employee development: specialized schooling outside the normal training purview of the Department